Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pink glitter french with white flowers

Base (Passion) from OPI, pink glitter french tips from Canmake. White flowers created with Konad stamp set, red dots (Red on Red) from Artclub.

I'm regretting a little now for using the glitter polish. The removal process is going to be a nightmare!! Anyway, I feel that this design has a Chinese New Year feel to it. Ha Ha, I'm always so slow.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

V french with gold glitters

Base (Bubble Bath) from OPI. White lines (Satin White) from Artclub and gold glitters from Canmake.

I think I shall call this design V french. This is a simple and elegant design. Casual enough for everyday wear, but also good enough for some last minute special events. Ha, I'm making them sounds like clothes!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Black tips on red

Black tips (BK901), red base (RD301), both from Face Shop. Additional black line created with Black Hologram glitters from Artclub. Blings from Swarovski.

A dark colors combination. I know the red blings are not very obvious. Actually had no intention of adding blings but the design looked a little too plain, so subtly added the red blings. This design could be further improvised by adding a flower at the bottom. I'm being rather stingy with my flower stickers as I believe I would be removing this set of polish in too short a time to make worth the stickers. Hee Hee...

I'm not very used to my now shorter nails. But the good thing is that typing and using the calculator is now a breeze... Somehow this design makes me think of Spiderman! Oh, remember I was saying my cousin was calling me a giraffe? Well, I had an identity switch. I'm now a sea cucumber by the name of Sissy. Go ahead and laugh. I know it's corny but I should be able to live with it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Black shoe laces on white

Base color (WH002) from Face Shop. Black shoe laces created using Konad stamp set.

Notice my nails are even shorter this time? Yes, I've cut them once again cause part of the nail from the left fourth finger chipped when I forced open a very stubborn drawer looking for a button. Shouldn't have done that but... oh well..

This is a very simple design. Basically just base color and stamp. I'm still under that unknown curse so totally no inspiration on what to do with my nails. I got a little inpatient and applied the top coat too early. You can see from the picture that the stamped design smudged on the thumb and index finger.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Okay... So the picture does not look very happy but I just cannot help it. Call me a V Day grinch if you must. This Valentine's day thing is just getting way too commercialized. Go on to the streets and ask those people who are celebrating Valentine's day if they know the origin of this said day and I'm pretty sure that majority would just shake their heads. Worst, some might have the impression that it's a day when you walk around Orchard Road with flowers in your hands and where a secret little competition of who has the largest bouquet flowers takes place.

Me? Honestly, I'm not very sure what is the V day's origin, just knew it had something to do with Christian and ancient Roman tradition (or so I read). Oh well, ignore me. Maybe the magic in me had left the building, I no longer have special feelings towards any particular day on the calender.

To all those who feels love is in the air, a very Happy St Valentine's Day to all!!

Light purple french with big bling & small pearl

Light purple french tips (PP404) from Face Shop. Base color (Passion) from OPI and fine smiley line created with Artclub Natural. Blings from Swarovski.

I know... It's french again. I'm suffering from some kind of mental block. I cannot think of any designs and when I flip through the nail mags, cannot find a design I am confident enough of doing as well. And when I finally found or decided on a design, I can't seem to find the right shade of nail polish!! Oh no! Am I cursed? By who?

Anyway, back to this design. Well, nothing special. Just normal french with a thin smile line. I made a mistake by adding a pearl beside the big bling. The pearl is too small and does not shine. So after adding it next to the bling, it kinda 'disappeared'. Are you able to see it on this picture?

Oh yes, I trimmed my nails! Did you notice that they are a little shorter already? Actually Susan trimmed a little for me when she did my manicure the last time but just now, I trimmed them further. I guess they are getting a little too long and the difficulty level in typing and using the calculator had increased.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Golden with crack

Base color (Golden rules) from OPI with white special effects crack polish.

Finally used the crack polish. I think I've somewhat figured how to achieve better crack effect. The trick is actually to apply a thin coat as oppose to a thick one, so that it will crack nicely as well as produce more cracks. Erm... I don't know what to say about this design. At certain angle, it looks kinda gross, due to the cracks. But certain angle, it looks quite alright. And I also kinda think that it looks a bit like a giraffe print. Hee hee... Oh, my cousin just called me a giraffe the other day.. Ha Ha! I guess maybe the next time, I shall apply the crack polish to the whole nail instead.

*Update (13/02/2009)*
It was really a nightmare removing the crack polish! Worst than removing glitters! Gosh... And they chip like crazy. Started chipping just one day after application. Though this is an interesting product to play with once in a while but I guess I will not be using it again anytime soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Red french with lines

Base color (Bubble Bath) from OPI. Red french tips (RD301) from Face Shop. The thin white lines are created using Satin White, thick gold lines using Hologram gold glitters and thick silver lines using Fine silver glitters. All from Artclub.

This design was inspired by a design from Nails Up, Mar 2009 issue (I think). A very lively, festive feel set of nails. I think I'm rather slow... Doing festive nails only when all the festivals are over. Ha ha! Oh wait, there's Valentine's Day coming but not that I celebrate it anyway. Heh...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Purchases #20 : OPI Golden Rules

Received this in the mail today. This is the shade used to create the 'gold dust' effect on my professionally handpainted manicure. (I know I can't stop talking about it cause it's just so pretty!) I've always wanted to get a nice gold shade as the only gold polish I have is from Daiso and I don't really like it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

French with silver lines

Base color (Passion) from OPI, french tips (WH002) from Face Shop, silver lines drawn using Fine silver glitters from Artclub. Blings from Swarovski.
Ah... I've very reluctantly removed my beautiful professionally done manicure. Bye bye to cranes and sakuras... I am so going back to her to get my nails done!
Now, back to this design. This is actually a simplified version of a design taken from Nail Venus Spring 2009 edition. The actual design has 2 more blings placed at the base of the nails. This design has an elegant feel to me and I think it can be used as bridal nails. I love the color combination. I choose to use this shade of pale pink instead of the shimmery shade the actual design used. I find that pink, silver(grey) and white combined gives a very sensual and romantic feel. Oh... how nice.... However, after looking at this design for a while longer, I kinda think that they look like little flip flops! Ha Ha!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Purchases #19 : OPI Ring of Romance set

This arrived in the mail today. I got it from a local ebay seller. This set comes with 2 bottles of OPI polish - Passion and Bubble Bath. And a free 'diamond' ring key chain! It's really cute and the 'diamond' is huge! Ha ha!
Well, I'm still having the professionally done mani and pedi on, so I can't try these colors yet. Will try them in due time!